About Us

"This journey requires having the courage to walk away from a life of toxicity into self awareness and transparency to be able to live a better quality of life. "

Sharmane Q. Harrison

Hi, I’m Sharmane, I grew up in a military family, I’m a mother, a military veteran & Herbal Naturopath.

I help free people’s health from being held hostage, so that they can live with vitality, beauty and
confidence. I’m a woman that went from a victim to super survivor when all the odds were stacked up against me
since birth. My trauma started the day I came out of the womb. I was given antibiotics as early as birth due to being born in what most know as the crack era of the late 80’s. My body had already grown to
enjoy the stimulant feeling of what medication, whether legal or not, was able to do.

The older I got, the more ill I became, the more antibiotics and medications I was given. At age of 17 I noticed that I enjoyed the drowsy, numb feeling that certain medications provided, it was as if everything
around me didn’t matter and I was able to escape the reality of all the things around me.
Through all the trauma I endured, I went from being a sad & confused child, to an angry & rebellious teenager, to a wreckless young adult. I found myself homeless & eventually in jail, a week prior to my 21st birthday and convinced the judge that I would change my life around and that is when I joined the United States Army.

Thinking this was my moment of change, over the years of serving I found myself diagnosed with even more illness on top of the strenuous lifestyle and I found myself taking advantage of the fact that I was able to get access to multiple medications in which were prescribed, that gave me that very numb and drowsy familiar feeling that I felt that I needed to be able to deal with life. Upon voluntarily separating, that was when I found myself diagnosed with a condition which was said to be an autoimmune that left me with horrible symptoms including dark pigmentation that covered 90% of my body.I went to multiple doctors & finally a dermatologist diagnosed me with Lichen Planus. A condition that was said to be incurable and affects less than 2% of the world’s population. After going through so much trauma in my life, something triggered me when the dermatologist said “we don’t have a cure, but we have a steroid cream that you could try.”

I reflected on every emotion that I held onto from childhood, I reflected on every decision In my past, every trauma that I projected onto others and knew that there was something inside of me that needed to come out, I knew it was not just physical, it was emotional also. I refused the medication and left the dermatologist only to do my own research for this condition. I had already lived a life where I was dealing with trauma and taking medications as a band-aid only seemed to keep me on a hamster wheel. After 28 years of constant medication, I decided enough was enough. I studied, researched and applied natural remedies,I had to wander through the wilderness and I learned to deliver myself from all the toxins that accumulated in my body and pushed through my skin. I now understand that the quick fixes through medication was not the answer. I understood that my family deserved more than what I was presenting at this moment.

If you’re a person who has struggled with an illness and you were told “there is no cure” but a voice in you is telling you that you are able to release the physical, emotional and mental pain, I want you to know that you are absolutely correct, because I have done it.

I stand against those who believe that dealing with chronic illnesses can be fixed instantly through pharmaceutical medications instead of focusing on a natural lifestyle change. I became a Herbalist, Holistic Health & Wellness Coach because I want to help you to be able to deliver yourself from a toxic lifestyle into natural wellness.

You have to be able to wander through the wilderness to be able to go from dealing to healing.

Heal by Natures - Morals, Values, Principles



Her mission is to build a community of individuals who believe in the power of herbal medicine and holistic methods to be able to live a life of vitality, confidence & productivity.



Her vision is to educate, inspire & see others naturally recover from preventable illnesses and to be able sustain their health journey without relying on pharmaceutical medications.



This journey requires having the courage to walk away from a life of toxicity into self awareness and transparency to be able to live a better quality of life.

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